
puppetgirl - 2004-06-04 03:13:51
The internet didn't really exist when I was in grade school. My brother showed me how to use IRC, a chat client, in middle school, but computers in general were still considered a highly dorky thing to be into. I remember showing one of my friends how there were different chat rooms you could go into and the two of us going into one late at night and having netsex (is that what it's called?) with some guy. We were a little grossed out and a little bit excited, but it didn't seem very real. We never really considered the consequences of anything. But everything at that age is so life or death. You forget when you get older how stupid and silly and moody you were and how it felt like you'd never be kissed, much less get laid. Once you get older and forget what it was like you'd like to think kids under fifteen or so just don't think about sex, but once you hit puberty it's an obsession. And even before puberty it can be an all-consuming interest. When I was three and four I'd undress for boys and roleplay weird fantasies, like, I was taking a shower and they were supposed to pretend to walk in and watch me, but I couldn't untie my shoes for myself, so my dress'd came off, but my shoes had to stay on in the pretend shower.
berta - 2004-06-04 09:10:43
ghost, you are a good person. I hope that the girl is able to use what you offered her.
dj - 2004-06-04 10:30:14
A couple of things spring to mind of this conversation, nevertheless, you handled it perfectly. First, it seemed this girl was desperate for love... or I'm willing to venture a guess that maybe she's emotionally abused. Second, this could've been a fabrication. I've heard that feds scan the internet for potential preditors all of the time--NOT that you are anything like that! Anyway I think you are a unique man and I hope your message got through to her.
Kiti - 2004-06-04 19:03:16
I think that was the best thing to have said to her. I was rather..disturbed to what she was inquiring, as I am a 14 year old girl, it seems weird that one would think of that even to me. But...I think you handled it quite well, and I doubt it could have been handled better. Its nice to show that it actually burdened your heart, and that is pleasing in a way to show that...people actually care. I don't know what I'm talking about, but I do. I just can't explain myself. Kiti
sweetdumplin - 2004-06-06 13:34:28
You know, we've all thought about things like that in our teenage years. It's curiousity. However, most people do not talk about the things that run through their minds. This girl has guts. She dared to talk about and ask the things that the rest of us don't. And why do we not talk about these things? Because, we are too scared to. We're afraid of what people might think of us if we were to bring these "private" issues up to the surface.

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