
your little kitty ; ) - 2004-05-08 17:34:13
Awww!!! That was so sweet of you! See! You really are a true gentleman - I don't think I know any guys who would have done that. It's nice to know there are people like you out there. I know, I know enough with the fucking mushy talk!!! hahahahaha!!!!!
penguincolor - 2004-05-08 19:34:09
Such a gentleman, it is good to knwo that even if the rest of the world is full of shits heads and assholes who are out for themeslves, there is the rare good soul. I have to agree with you about kids. Parents should learn how to take care of them or not have 'em. It isn't any good for a chid to grow up with either no boundries or no one looking out for them (not sure which the kid who peed himself fell into)
Rhiannon8 - 2004-05-09 11:39:29
I really like your diary. Every time I read it I am reminded that there are good people out there- just few and far between.
candora - 2004-05-09 16:28:17
some people are just good deed doers :)

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