
Hadassah - 2004-05-03 11:46:17
Hmmm. A hopeless romantic you say, eh? I learned more about men from reading this entry than I have in ages. Could be love? How old are you? Come to Canada often? LOL. Muah, Hadassah
stardumb - 2004-05-04 08:36:14
i'm almost afraid to follow your diet advice, not that it was even advice, but i lost weight by just eating three very small meals a day, no workout. i was terrified of even snacking in between. the body doesn't store food as fat when there's a "shortage" as you explained, the body uses that food up for energy. sure, it may slow down your metabolism, but all your metabolism needs is water to speed back up, it already has a lot of "stored" fat to continue functioning. eating six small meals a day, can and does work (possibly better for men) but eating three times a day works as well.

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