
anotherwish - 2004-04-20 18:20:05
Youre whinging about having a day off?! Darl, I would kill for a day off.. and a night off.. anythng to stop these 16 hour days.. two down 4 to go... anyway.. hope you have a fun day ... adn keep procrastinating, its good fun!
Schatten - 2004-04-20 19:16:39
kein mitleid fur die mehrheit...this should mean something to you. If you really know them, you will know what this says
Ghost - 2004-04-20 20:24:04
kein mitleid fur die mehrheit roughly translated is "no mercy for the oppressed". Yes, I do know what it is. My favorite band. KMFDM, rip the system....
puppetgirl - 2004-04-21 17:36:25
So since I fucked you over on that puppet an entire year ago I'm making it this week and sending it to you. You can totally wait to pay until it actually arrives. Email me your mailing address.
hypo - 2004-04-24 16:02:47
move here...O=o i miss yous
hypo - 2004-04-24 16:04:43
move here...O=o i miss yous

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