
Pyromagik - 2004-04-04 01:11:18
Hey hey. Cozy gig ya got there, eh? Hehe. Sounds fun! I wanna be a bartender when I "grow up." Yup. Hahah! Anywho, enjoy yourself! I have a feelin' you will. *wink* Peacin' Out!! ~*~
Patrick - 2004-04-04 06:23:06
Hehe, sounds like fun. Chucking people out of doors, meeting albinos, etc. It's like a circus...only...not a circus.
Nicoli - 2004-04-04 18:52:17
Sounds like a pretty good job...have fun with it!
perfectbone - 2004-04-05 09:21:51
Kick ass job! And hey, I hate Jersey too. I think of it as the black hole of all things putrid and vile.

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