
Nicoli - 2004-03-20 22:27:21
Good god...I'm sorry that couple was so horrible to you! Some people are really too fucking stuck-up for their own good...they don't apprecaiate anyone or anything but themselves and their own comfort. And when it comes to being good, I gues it's not possible for them, right? Nothing is ever good enough for them, so why should they be good to anyone else? Seriously. Anyway...sorry about that, man. And I hope your knee and ankle feel better soon. ::HUG::
Pyromagik - 2004-03-21 21:52:14
OMG, I hate when people do that whole take their happy ass time to pass me after I've moved aside thing... so, I just thought I'd empathize. Hope you heal soon. Heh. Peacin' Out!! ~*~
Melissa - 2004-03-21 22:33:57
This is my first time reading your diary and all I have to say is.. wow. I have plenty of sympathy for you... Not as if it's going to do much for you and your painful knee... Take care! I'll be reading more often. :)
Kara - 2004-03-22 00:03:09
Snobs and bad drivers, the bains of my existance. I feel for you. They should all be forced to bear the shame of a huge L burned into their foreheads. Losers... sigh. Hope the knee heals quickly. K

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