
Vikki - 2004-01-14 23:15:12
I clicked on your banner to get here and I am very intrigued. I have a bit of a headache so I didn't read many entries but I will come back to read more of course, I added you to my buddylist.
Gracefulwill - 2004-01-15 01:35:33
hey buddy can't possibly say I know the slightest thing about you, but know this: there is always learning. Expand yourself. Don't wallow. what do you want to hear?
nWo - 2004-01-16 11:36:56
nice diary... i like it... and i don't know u but yeah...who gives?
stephanie - 2004-01-16 16:20:41
hey i like ur dairy<3 i m going to add u to my favs eh i ll be back i have to go pick up my emo glasses heh
Molly - 2004-01-16 19:25:02
I followed your banner ad in here. Your writing and thought process remind me so much of someone I was once close to, that I had to comment here. Emotion is a beautiful thing when properly conveyed through words.
killerred - 2004-01-18 02:46:46
you are better off than a dead mouse just remember that you commie bastard!!!

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