
addie - 2005-05-16 23:20:45
ya know, i've had entries eaten away due to my computer freezing, so i feel for you, 'cause i never finished writing whatever it was that i had written... i guess it wasnt that important, eh?
Aladdin - 2005-05-17 07:53:12
Miss you! I feel blue!
beth - 2005-05-23 01:09:11
my boyfriend wanted me to buy him one of those helmets.. i told him I would only buy it if he wore it to the midnight show we were going to. he refused, so I didnt. heh. He also wants one of the Darth Tater things.... have you seen those?? just thinking about them cracks me up.. there's nothing funnier then a potato that has turned to the darkside.. cant wait for the Padme Tater heheh

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