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9:05 a.m. - 2009-02-10

Pizza is my friend. Pizza is my enemy. Who knew?

Pizza "tastes" like my friend, but in reality its my enemy?

Weird dreams last night. One was were I lived in some apartment, and 3 young kids from upstairs would continually break in to steal things and alcohol and such. Real evil little cretins. I ended up getting them locked up and the oldest one, a girl who was like 10 at the time came back. She was 18 and asked if I knew who she was, before I could answer she tried to kill me and I blew her brains out.

Its amazing how many of my dreams have me needing to use the bathroom, as a hint "wake up moron, your bladder is going to explode".

I often wonder what it took, to be born when I was. No genetic signature should be replicated more then once I know unless its in the womb at the same time. But I mean what were the chances of being born in the mid evil era. Or as a Viking somewhere eons ago?

I was born at the turn of a century, at the turn of a millennium, towards the end of an age. Thinking how life would be different, but not so different I wouldn't still be sitting here thinking about the same thing in another time period......weird.

Im discovering more and more lots of people hate bacon. It was a total shock to me...... sadness.

I have the weirdest conversations with people..... only I would know someone who wants to continue the conversation while I go to the bathroom.

*eats more evil* nom nom nom

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