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Jane Doe183 - 05/01/2012

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9:57 p.m. - 2007-10-26

(sung to the theme of "its beginning to look alot like xmas" for use on any retailers you meet this holiday season.)

"its beginning to smell alot like bullshit.....as you talk to me...and I would just like to say, before I walk away....fuh-uck youuuuuu""

The things I come up with while working... *shakes head*

Ive viewed so much porn lately I should be a geinocologist by now.

I was also informed by a concerned co worker today, that one of my stops on saturday were going to call the authorities on me. Apparently, I threatened to shoot someone, and grabbed my gun while in the stop. This is total crap. If there was a threat you would know there is and I would have instructed people to hit the floor. He told me he talked them out of it, but even the thought of a report like tha6t can land me in jail, and my guns taken away WITHOUT EVEN A TRIAL. Fucking bitch. No wonder I hate people.

Main Entry: 2menace
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): men�aced; men�ac�ing
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : to make a show of intention to harm
2 : to represent or pose a threat to : ENDANGER
intransitive verb : to act in a threatening manner
- men�ac�ing�ly /-n&-si[ng]-lE/ adverb

it wouldnt be the first time, some fucking asshole would try to get someone in trouble just because they dont like guns, period. I really, really fucking hate people, and I have no intentions of ever stepping in that location again.

Other than that, Im just peachy. Of course all the other shit Ive mentioned in previous posts.

Full speed ahead. Just as walking on eggshells....cant offend the masses now can we....lest I get arrested...... *growls*

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