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9:33 p.m. - 2007-10-08

No shit berkinix.

I watched the movie too. I even went as far as to buy a DVD of the entire thing. Some of what I saw was not unknown to me. The first part specifically. But parts 2 and 3 blew my fucking mind. The sensation can only be described as feeling like we have been led around like animals on a leash.

Zeitgeist, A real eye opener.

It is a 2 hour long movie, but not seeing it will only make you that much more ignorant. I prefer disclosure to secrets. Especially when it involves me, and those I care for.

I tryuly do believe there are those hidden by cloaks of secrecy who pull hidden strings to only gain what they wish from society. Taking by any means and enforcing it by using our own fears. Much like a bully. But a highly intelligent, deceptive bully.

Imagine seeing a pile of debris, and seeing it for what it really is, or was.... thats what this movie does.

Coincidences dont just happen, when they seemingly happen in a predetermined fashion. Fate isnt orchestrated. It isnt rehearsed.

But that sinking feeling in your stomach only solidifies what I have just told you, and watching this movie for what it is, deciding for yourself what is truth, and what is fale can you finally make sense of it enough to make a change in the slow, but decidedly steady advance forward of plans which will take everything you hold dear, and use it against you.

Peace of mind will no longer exist.

Freedom will be a memory.

Utopia will be a token message enforced with the barrels of weapons pointed directly at you. "everything will be ok, as long as you do what you are told."

I never imagined myself a revolutionary. I like the expectations of routine. The comfort of the familiar. But why do I feel this way? Like all I dramt of is slipping away, to satisfy the greed and priorities of hidden shepards of slavery?

I dont work to be owned by anyone. Here I thought as we all did we work to forward our own goals and dreams of living a good life. Not realizing the price we pay for that dream, as it is pushed along by those who shall not be named, or revealed.

Im sick to my stomach. Wether any of this is true, or false the fact remains I ground myself in logical thinking and realistic thinking. There is always an element of truth to lies and rumors.

If anything I hate politicians, and the elite that much more....

We the people...no matter what it takes. We need to stay as we have always been. Free.

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