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11:04 p.m. - 2007-10-06

It was a tragic story. Totally preventable and avoidable.

Maybe you saw it in the paper, or on tv.

PA man charged with two murders

Two retired police officers, working as armed guards for a diffrent carrier than me were shot in cold blood and robbed. As pointless a crime this is, for the greed of a convicted robber, steps could have been taken to prevent this incident from occuring.

One, vigilence. Many people who take their safety for granted, regardless of the experience they have gone through means nothing if they dont utilize it. Quite a few of the guards here with me are also retired police officers. Great men with alot of stories to tell, but I have seen them all work first hand and they are some of the most complacent indeviduals we have working for the company. They dont keep a watchful eye out for trouble. They preach it, but dont execute what they preach themselves. Complacency, or a fasle sense of security leads to mistakes, and laziness for details and criminals watch this and plan for it. Robberies are always planned.

The two now deceased officers were not wearing bullet resistant vests. All their injuries, and fatal wounds were in the chest region. Their attacker aimed for the center of the target, being the chest and met with great success on his unprepared victims. Police officers KNOW BETTER!

"its too hot"

"I cant move well in it"

"it itches, pinches, sticks to my skin"

"it costs too much...."

Id rather sweat than die. Id rather be slower than dead. Id rather itch, wince and get a rash then end up in the county morgue. And it costs far less then any funeral, or hospital visit, if you even survive the attack.

I personally spent $1300 of my own money to buy my vest. I train myself with my duty weapon and I treat every stop as if it were an ambush. Three years now ive done this mini ritual. Each time Ive survived to go another day.

It could have been prevented....

One of my biggest pet peeves lately has been the piss poor media coverage that story has recieved nation wide. Most of my local papers had a measly 2 inch by two inch paragraph half way through the paper decribing the "incident". But a coach who called a woman a bitch gets front page coverage and hours of video coverage. Or britneys wild night out.....

Its fucking pathetic how the news media controls the news only they want you to hear, or which will give them ratings. Two dead officers means nothing to them, if it cant compete with bullshit topics with slanderous overtones.

Id imagine the coverage wouldnt even have been there if it had been two unknown guards who werent retired police officers. So exactly what the fuck is our nations priority? When did life and death take backseat to fucking gossip? It sickens me still just thinking about it.

And you wonder why people in this country have such a twisted view of the world around them seen through the views of skewed journalists and currupted video feeds. You only see what they want you to see. This is the EXACT SAME THING which has twisted and burned such violent idiology in muslims in the middle east. Their holy men tell them what they want them to know. Just like our media. When asked to make a choice, we are guided by what we believe the truth is. Even if we only know half the truth.

So choices based on half truths are what guide our societies. No wonder the world is so fucked up.....

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