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6:15 p.m. - 2007-08-13

I reported like a good little citizen.

I wasnt that familiar with the grand jury selection process. Petit jury selection Ive done, although quite a few years ago.

We were told if we had extenuating circumstances such as financial hardships, medical reasons or other hardships not to "volunteer" for service. Well gee, we were all sitting there because we were summoned, and it was in black and white on the summons not appearing was a contempt of court. Hilarious isnt it?

I waited in my seat as the "volunteers" stepped out. Apparently they had enough to fill the 93 seats for 4 juries and we were all released with the knowledge in 3 to 6 months we would recieve another summons. Only those who volunteer, and arent selected are clear for 6 years. If you serve for more than 11 days you are free and clear for 8 years.

Before all the selections were made a girl who was overly exuberant came to talk to us.

"Hi, my name is ----- and Im happy to be here...."

Sales pitch I just knew it.

She worked for a blood bank. She asked us to donate. She didnt sound as happy after she told us why she was there. I could hear people all around me whispering they wouldnt dare donate and for various personal reasons. I sat there. Realizing it was this woman who might be helping me get the treatment I need for the rest of my life.

Just another way diffrent perspectives help us see things beneath the layers.

My uncles wedding is the next time I will wear shoes and a tie. All because I know my mom will get upset if I dont.

I get very tired all the time now. And I notice the breathing dificulties more and more as time passes.

I watched a video which gave me some hope tonight. That with my therapy I "might" still live a normal life. Who knows....

I have to believe things are still possible.

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