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11:25 p.m. - 2007-08-10

I just finished scrubbing my duty gun. Ended up spraying my keyboard and a drop on the monitor with spray solvent and now there are light colored spotches all over them. Not cool.

Happy Birthday Hadassah. I hope there are many more to come. Many, many more.

Vanessa made me blush.

Today was interesting. Well more accurately one part of it was. Towards the end, just before the last stop of the run. It was a movie theatre in a strip mall in a rather unsavory part of town. All that was going through my mind was "get to the bathroom before you soil yourself". Walking through the door I see a lot of people walkign out the exit and many of them coming towards me in a paniced manner. This cant be good.

They were all saying the same thing, and I felt my stomach twist.

"theres a woman screaming she is going to shoot everyone"

Knowing damn well I cant walk out having people look to me for help, so I make my way towards the back of the building around corners. I get just about to the doors of the seating area when I hear her screaming, and then I see the source.

No taller than 5 ft, scrubby and it appears at one time someone or something tried to chew the tip of her nose off. Did I mention she was fat as she was tall?

She was getting in everones face, screaming obcenaties, promising to shoot everyone. All because she wanted her money back, and something about her chicken.

Drunk, high, a escaped mental patient or just really full of herself. She didnt hesitate to call fellow girls of her own race choice names and that she would return with more people to "do them".

She saw me. I placed my only words to her after she mentioned getting her money back.

"Wait for it in the front of the building"

"Fucklin A right Im getting my mutha fuckin money back bitches....."

I followed her back, my only concern was her hurting anyone.....I was told the police were enroute.

Five long minutes pass as I watch her continue her torrent of hateful words but I said nothing, and did nothing as long as she kept her distance from everyone.

As all this was happening, parents were escapeing with their children, mothers clinging to small children in corners off from where I was. They were all terrified of her. Men and women alike.

I wasnt, but I was concerned of her erratic behavior, and if I would have to tackle her, or worse draw my weapon to stop her.

I was lucky, the police arrived and with a small gesture of my hand pointed to her as she was pacing like an animal.

When the situation was over with, the cop asked me if "they" meaning the cinima let me carry a gun. It was too funny. He didnt see the 26,000lb blue armored car right in front of the door.

No sir, Im here for the money.

He laughed because Im sure he felt stupid. He honestly thought I was theatre security.

Two weeks prior to this, there was another event I think I mentioned.

A shoplifter in a supermarket. I entered the store and the bookeeper met me halfway to the office and told me they had a "bad person" (code word for thieves/shoplifters) upstairs in the managers office. The company's loss prevention manager was there too. He made the apprehension. Word was this guy was getting quite aggitated, and began using aggressive words, and body language.


I offer to watch the man, knowing I was more of a deterrent to stupidity than the fat manager and a short loss prevention agent.

He was rather large, and young. Tattooed up and sitting lopsided in a chair when I entered the room. Seeing me he stopped fidgiting. His tone changed too.

I only watched him for a few minutes till police came. I concluded my business and left.

A week later the manager came to me when I came the following week and thanked me personally. He was very grateful.

The shoplifter had a outstanding warrant in Florida. That whole scenario could have gone terribly wrong.

Sometimes when I walk into a stop you never know what to expect. Anything can happen, and you should never take anything for granted. You never know I could have stopped two very bad things from happening.

I think Im getting carpal tunnel in my left hand now.

Im tired. Ni, ni.

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