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8:08 p.m. - 2006-11-15

Sirens in the night.....

And My cousin telling me at 3am the sirens meant a tornado touched down nearby and if I felt scared to get in the hallway.

Dont have to twist my fucking arm about it. Shit. A twister? If there is one thing I dont like the thought of is nature shitting on me. Tornado's are natures way of saying "dont live here". The Feng Sui of the natural world it redecorates as it sees fit.

Ankle is coming along. The bruising was pretty bad but even its going away. The soreness though still pisses me off whenever I try to turn over, or move the wrong way.

Fucking twisters.

I couldnt get back to sleep until the news channel said all clouds had passed over, and I scrutinized every pixelated swirl on the tv screen for signs that my ass was going flying. Which took about two and a half hours. Even then I laid in bed looking out the window at the howling wind, rain pelting the world into submission and wondering if closing my eyes was a wise choice. Least the sirens stopped. Creepy man.

It might take another week for me to be able to work again. its better, but I aint pushing an injury.

Finally got a haircut. Only took two months. Having clothes to wear doesnt go out of style, and I dont miss the boat. Just the food. Ha.

Spending way too much time daydreaming. This is usually where I would curse my laziness to go out and find a better job, because I will get nowhere by sitting on my ass. Only to remind myself milliseconds later I did get off my ass and this is my recovery time before I go out and make money again.

*sigh of relief, moving along*

Miss the family. DOnt know when I will get home. Still need a new laptop. Alienware keeps upping the specs and I keep holding out. SOmetimes My standards are too high.

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