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10:35 p.m. - 2006-01-12

I can be introspective. Enlightening. I can also be a pessimistic motherfucker.

That nifty new knife I ordered and paid for with My debit card is still sitting at the manufacturers. Apparently.....*pause for effect*

The credit card order was "cancelled" and they refuse to ship it.


I looked at the statement for the card that day it was purchased and indeed the funds were removed from the availible balance. And the card company told me on the phone not only was the card deducted but the funds were collected by the company who made the knife. It might just be me, but Im really confused, and this is an ongoing dilemma.


I recieved a letter attached to this paydays check saying:

Dear Mr "such and such",

Recently an audit was done for the payroll dept and there were descrepincies in rates which resulted in overpayment. Therefore there is a temporary freeze on your pay rate until the issue is resolved through the corporate office. Your current rate is "X".

According to the revised contract (voted on and approved this past Oct) you should be at "X-$1.50" for having a weapon only (and not a CDL to drive the piece of shit trucks). Upon completion of your second year you are entitled for a raise.

(there was more but it was boring jargon on how they plan to recind the steely hand of upper management making employees suffer the indecency of taking it in the shitter.)

I started in this company at less than $9 an hour. Barely more than $8. When I qualified for the weapon bonus I recived an additional $0.50 for My trouble. Yes, fifty cents. When that year came to a close I recoved an additonal $0.40 according to that years contracted raise for employees currently in employment. This raised My piss poor salary to just over $9. As this year came to a close the contract was in experiation, and I remmeber explaining the strike situation then.

After the new contract came together, we were paid retroactively for any raises we were entitled to when the contract expired in Oct. The new agreement would take effect company wide in Jan this year.

CLear? I know Im not.

My pay increased retroactively for a years worth of service, and My weapon bonus to Just over $12.00 and hour.

The new contract raised the starting salary for new hires and raised the rest of the base hourly rates accordingly across the board for how long you have been in emplyment. I am currently nearly 1 and a half years into My employment.

This letter states they want to bring me back down to new hire salary, and take away any retroactive (owed) raises and treat me like a new hire. This would lower My current rate to a $1.50 or more LESS than it is now. Not to mention I have yet to recive monies for route knowledge, and tenure increases. But no.....I am to be paid like a fucking rookie.

Yes Im pissed. Yess I need to contact my union for being raped like a school girl.

I really need to get out of this place, and into school.

I need to replace My cell phone as its been 4 years and its about dead. It has been a good phone, but like all things....its time to get something virginal.

The phone

This is it. More than likely I will spend My hard earned dollars tomorrow for it. So I can actually communicate with the outside world. Even if I dont get any calls. Because we all know no one loves me anyway. I say this because no one fucking calls me. Even if they have the damn number. I take that back. One or two people call. But I think only to hear me make an ass of myself.

Im a comedy break.

I still feel Im taking it in the ass by credit cards and My workplace. Unappreciated, and overworked for low salary I am the poster boy for corparate sodomy.

There is some good news though to all of this. I have started My diet again. Already in the past few weeks I have noticed My belt getting looser. This is a good thing, as seeing any progress being made renews My ambition to do well. Humans are funny like that. No matter if we get paid really well to do any sort of work, we respond better if there is praise for our efforts. And nothing beats the prase of one's own heart. You have done well. This feeling of joy is yours to enjoy. Keep up the good work. Damn right I will.

I want to learn another language. I want to chop wood barechested in the sunset. I want a home on a hill, overlooking heaven. I want a pair of pants that wont rip when I sit down.

Some dreams are easier than others to see to completion. There is little hope in the pants.

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