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7:03 p.m. - 2005-04-29

I am numb from the brain down.

Nothing makes sense to me.

I cant even think straight right now, too many unanswered questions getting in the way.

You hung up on me.

This cant be how it goes....

It cant be.

I dont know what to do.

This reinforces the concept that I am, and always have been too nice. I wanted to believe so badly, that I didnt question anything.

I suspect what I did find will be locked.

The lump in my throat, the stabbing in My heart. I am in denial.

You wanted me to care about you. I did, by my own free will. There was no twisting of arms, no tonguelashings. I felt drawn to your sadness, your clinging. The protector in Me desperately wanted to come to your aid. And as always, unselfishly. And more importantly......unsuccessfully. Maybe you didnt need help afterall. I just thought you did.

You are a figment of My imagination.

The harsh reality is I will always love the people I care for. Even if they hurt me, I always save a piece of Myself for them.

Part of me believes you will never return.

This really, really sucks.

I have lost yet, another friend. Not a thing can be done by me to save it either. I am such a fool....

Too trusting.

Too needy.

Too stupid....

Someone be mercuful, and strike me down. Let the aim be true, and take this spirit and make it free.

Ghost is Me, a Ghost I shall be....

I wont bother you no more if that is what you want.

This is one of those life altering moments in time. And I dont know what tomorrow will bring.

I need someone here with me.

I need to be told everythings going to be ok.

I need to hear someone call my name, and tell me I am not a piece of trash.

Even when I give, it doesnt seem to matter.

I hope you dont forsake me.

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