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10:45 a.m. - 2005-04-20

They say hope floats. I surely hope so.

Amid chaos brought on by the dawn of a new day I find Myself writing my thoughts on what should be a work day.

Recent events have me thinking alot lately. About My place, and the manner of things around me. Like are we just floating around somewhere....in the current of time. We each have a small raft we make. Some paddle, some use motors. The destination ia always the same. That distant horizon we cant really seem to reach. Im not ready to see my sunset yet.

There is so much I have yet to do, you know? What has kept me afloat all this time? Hope? What keeps My raft from breaking apart?

As some days pass I swear Im drifting listlessly in the swells. Occasionally I see a hand in the distance passing beneath the surface. SOmetimes they flail frantically trying to reach safety. Knowing they are sinking. Ive felt that way. SInking. But I kept My hand out and cant say for sure if anyone rescued me. Maybe they gave me wood to rebuild my raft. Maybe someone did grab My hand. And lifted me from the abyss of My own depression. Can it be that simple? To reach out and grab that hand? Can the hope of another be enough to make two float as one? Maybe.

Maybe thats why I do try sometimes, to help. Tying the rafts together. Sharing food, and experiences. Where have you been all my life our eyes say. What were the odds we would meet out here in the open nothingness, drifting on the very same current. And just like that they are swept away, and you cannot save them, or yourself this time. The horizon no nearer than it was before.

I dont want to pass into the horizon bleakly. Once in my life I want My end to be with the colors of life itself. Ones I hid from everyone. The fire of sunset brazenly staring down the end of its own day. And then finally succumbing to the same horizon we all pass. But you wont forget this one. Thats what I want. I fear the horizon, but there is no harm in trying to make a it one to remmeber.

These are the thoughts I have while sitting in My chair, headphones on, work pants AND underwear to My ankles. DOnt act surprized.

If hope floats. And I want to do the best I can, for as long as I am able. What are My chances?

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