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8:43 p.m. - 2005-02-02

When a person feels like a novelty.......they simply await for people to tire of them....

A not so quick word on a letter I saw today. It was printed up from a internet site a coworker saw. He wasnt around but I read it anyway.

About the propsed draft legislation Bush is putting forth to congress for early this year.

*takes a deep breath*

I didnt vote for Bush. I wouldnt have voted for his rival either.

But one thing Bush is doing, is trying to take care of the things he was put in office for. Wether you agree with his methods or not, he wastes no time.

If you are the sort of person, who truly believes this is a unjust war we are fighting, fine. Im not going to argue morals to anyone. As I am far from being a moral majority in any sense. But.......BUT.......there are some facts we are forgetting.

All the people in the military right now are VOLUNTEERS. Many even after heartache, deaths, losses and personal termoils returned to Iraq to "see the job done". Those My friends are patriots. They love their country. They love freedom. And they are seeing what it means to fight for your freedom. Your right to live. To not have to look over your shoulder. To sleep peacefully at night without worrying if a bomb might go off.

A draft is being propsed because the supply of bodies we need, isnt what statistics says it should be. Use too many resources at once, and they become less effective. Burned out so to speak. This is a logical line of thinking. Even if it is unpleasant. Seldom is doing the right thing, pleasant.

To those people out there who will scream injustice, and claim "concientious objector" against all violence" will learn a valuable lesson. Your rights arent free, you stupid motherfuckers.

You think your rights grew on a tree somewhere? Some men wrote up a piece of paper and the whole world said "well, its in writing I guess we need to obey".

Your rights, in the US were granted by the blood, sweat and sacrifices of those who came before you. And those very people overseas, dying right this second. How dare you......step on their sacrifice, and delcare yourself immune to the system which has kept this nation free for over 200 years? YOU are part of the system, wether you like it or not. Your responsibilities as a citizen dont end in paying taxes you shit for brains. Many countries in the world REQUIRE mandatory military serice. Israel is one. A country constantly at war.

Lets just say the draft is passed. And you, the whiney, opinionated concientous objector find himself in a hole in the desrt somewhere. Rifle in hand telling yourself and those aorund you "I wont fight". I garuntee you this: You will be the first one to die.

People would like to believe if we just leave, things will improve.

if we leave.....

it will get worse.

Much, much worse. it would do nothing but strentghen the resolve of those we are trying to supress.

With fists raised to the sky they will claim they have defeated the great USA. See muslims worldwide? We are stronger than they are......"Allah" granted us victory....

Nothing, will stop them or their thinking. You cant erase this war, without erasing a culture. neither will happen.

War is an ugly thing. I would love to see it end. But compromising with unreasonable demands is a nonwinning strategy. Appeasment only gives the opponent what they fight for anyway. How do you plan to overcome thousands of years of culture?

You are kidding yourselves.

And if you think I want a person in a country I fought for, throwing his responsibilities away becuase they think its thier "right"? Fucking leave, and never come back.

On a lighter note......I am quite fond of pregnant boobies. They are swollen, perky and invitingly bouncy. That isnt maternal glow, that is a hormonally charged beast of lust. ;)

I really do cover the entire spectrum of topics dont I?

(a note to Eric)?

I didnt join the military to improve the economy eric. Thats the first thing. Second yes, under the table the US did support saddam, as he was at war with the Atoolah of Iran at the time. Who was also vaging a private war against the US and supporting terrorists in his own country. A good reason they hate us in Iraq, we left after the first war and they were slaughtered because they supported us. My pride eric stems from the fact I didnt run when I thought My country needed me, REGARDLESS of the circumstances. You are supposed to take the good with the bad and be proud. Not run to *ahem* Canada to get away from responsibility. At 17, I wouldnt expect you to be able to relate to being in the military, but that is no way an insult. But your idea srepresent a majority of what people have to say. "Its all about oil". And if you think its abouyt the economy......why are we, THE US spending billions there monthly? Thats a major reason our citizens are wanting us out. I rarely write something unless I feel strongly about it. I felt you needed to hear more than what you have been shown. The media outlets only show you what they want you to see, to stir up constantly. But what I can tell you firsthand is when I was in a thrid world country, and I shared MY OWN food with a starving citizen, they were indeed grateful. The media doesnt speak for the majority who are grateful we are there. Please eric.......make sure you learn more about all sides before you decide. I dont just say it to sound important(not that you did). But I despize ungrateful people. My words were directed towards them. I hope this made some sense. GhostOfGor

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