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11:00 p.m. - 2004-07-06

"Pride can kill you"

Im holding back alot of bitterness, breathing is little consolation to the thousands of deaths I lived in My dreams. Just simple flashbacks, chemical impulses triggered in the brain.

There wasnt a man on the planet more hated. More despized than him. He shall for all intents, remain nameless. He took her from Me.

Many years ago. Im suprized I never really mentioned much about him to anyone. he has slipped past notoriety, and into the corners of My brain. But I never forgot him. I was sitting here, and I envisioned meeting him face to face. Since I am unsure of his relationship to her, I could only assume she would be with him. And I would be speaking to both of them, face to face after all these years.

"You dont know Me"

"You dont want to know Me"

"But I remember you."

"I have seen your death in My mind more times than I can remember, but not one of them satisfied Me"

He was an arrogant sort. A drunk. A dead beat dad to his own kids. On probation. A woman beater. All 130lbs of him. These details didnt come to light much later on, after she went to him.

I knew him first online, as "1Unknown" a solitary figure in a chat realm I too inhabited. She, her name being one I have mentioned before. Monica. Was known as DarkJade.

Secret at the time was that he had recently broken up with a woman who later befriended Me after he cited reasons of "fear of commitment" to her. Weeks before she was to move in with him. His fear of commitment didnt stop him from taking Monica from Me though. How ironic.

I would dig for details about him, with the help of others. Including his ex, "NaughtyRedHead". To this day she is a friend of Mine. And was the only one to care when I was in the hospital.

He would threaten Me with words of violence if I kept digging in his "personal" affairs. Monica, My fiancee, was My affair. But it made no diffrence. He lied to her. he made her ignore Me, and later that year she went to him. This was also the time she signed away custody of her own kids. To the very man she hated the most. Their father. She sowre she'ed never let him get them. How quickly thoughts change. How quickly she changed. And how I felt losing all I had known.

The man, the one who performed a "bonding ceremony" just like a wedding for the two of us. The "official" who read the rites. Was the same one who took her away.

I dont know words strong enough to express the hatred I have for him. Yes, she also betrayd Me. But I never loved him.

If I actually did try to harm him I think she would try to fight Me off. But she would fail anyway. Some things, are never forgiveable. Or forgotten.

To the nameless face in the crowd. I havent forgotten you. And when we meet, and indeed someday we will. I hope your as brave then, as you were behind a keyboard.

Pride, can kill a man......

I can hope at least.

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