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1:40 a.m. - 2004-03-14

My tattoos: A lesson...

Ive often been asked about them, and what they mean. As of this writing I have 2 diffrent types of ink on Me. The semi matching bands on My arms, and a two kanji tat located just above My tailbone.

The kanji were something I had thought about for some time. Simply translated they read "Master Ghost". Direct, to the point. And it brands me as what I am. I didnt claim I was going to run for public office, so why deny what I am right?

The ones on My arms are far more personal, and they were My first visits to a artist. A trip I never thought I would make. So, what do they mean after all?



They are scars. So I would never forget a time in My life which tore the very soul from Me. Reminders, of what can happen in lifes travels. Each arm took over 5 hours of nonstop chair time to complete. Two seperate visits. And yes boys and girls, they hurt like a bastard. I was shaking in the chair, gritting My teeth the entire time. The price you pay for sensitive skin. But it hurt far less than what drove me to get them in the first place, for that pain still hurts to this day. I wear these "scars" with pride. I fought a battle, and I survived. it would be wrong to say I won the fight. Because it was during that battle I nearly took My own life. That isnt a victory, its a stalemate. Wicked, sweeping tendrils of sharp spines which were custom designed and drawn on My skin. You will never see them elsewhere, and its truely the mark of the Ghost. See these anywhere in america, odds are good I was around.

Now wether thats a good omen, is for you to decide.

Future ink is in the works, but hopefully I wont have to suffer to earn them.

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