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1:20 a.m. - 2003-09-03

Today sucked.

For some reason I was short tempered. Snappy. And hard to be around. I was brooding, and needing to release some stress. The source for this stress is from numerous sources. Many which have simple solutions, but no means by which to solve those troublesome little dilemmas.

This past week has been one long work day. I havent had a day off in almost 2 weeks now. And its beginning to take its toll. I dont know what day of the week it is. And I have forgotten anything else not related to work. When I say forgotten, I mean I cannot remember anything as its all been taken up with work related shit. Not a good thing. Things I had interest, and desire to do have fallen away as My occupational requirements prevent Me from ingaging in them anymore. Even some subcriptions have nearly expired. Parts of My life have been put aside, and I think its making Me mad. Im sick of not being able to "juggle" all My activities, or desired paths and I want to badly. Im not the best multitasker.

Some days I need to be shot, or stabbed with a cooking spoon.

I havent even updated My diary as I used to. I dont talk about the same things, or put down memorable quotes, or dreams, I whine and complain about how I cant do the things I want, or have the things I know I want. But I also think that is a normal human trait, we always want more than we have, and even though its more than we had before. Instictual selfishness perhaps. Knowing once we have something, we dont cherish it as we once did. We get complacent. The irony is I havent been complacent about much. As Ive never had much to begin with. And yet I have more than some do, and Im sure they would see what I have, and make due. I still want things though.....as unrealistic as they are, maybe even selfish. But Im only human.

Hold Me because I need to be held.

Hold Me when you think I need to be held.

Hold Me because I dont know what it means to be held.

People facinate Me sometimes. Which their simplicity, greed, and careless behavior. The way they act when people arent watching them or they think they arent being watched. its reasons we have trash in our streets, and people who steal. Taking advantage of the things around them and they feel no guilt. And no shame......

WHy I even bothered to mention any of this shit escapes Me, it just needed to be said.


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